La città è un laboratorio di tendenze...
(italian version)
Fino al 24 settembre 110 oggetti di design riempiono la centrale Kongens Nytorv, una delle piazze più belle di Copenaghen. La mostra è il cuore di Index, una manifestazione creata dall’omonima organizzazione non profit per promuovere un design che migliora la vita. Dal 20 al 30 settembre, invece, è in programma il Copenhagen International Film Festival, con proiezioni di film danesi e internazionali. Due ottime occasioni per organizzare un fine settimana nella capitale danese, città che sorprende mostrando volti diversi di zona in zona. Popolare e colorata lungo il canale di Nyhavn. Elegante nelle strade di Bredgade e Strøget che sfociano in piazza Kongens Nytorv, con i negozi più esclusivi, dalla casa d’aste Bruun Rasmussen al gioielliere Hartmann’s, da Illums Bolighus (arredi di design) a Royal Copenhagen (porcellana di alta qualità). Giovane e multietnica nella zona di Nørrebro, con locali originali: per esempio Pussy Galore’s Flying Circus (Sankt Hans Torv 30), stile minimalista e cucina fusion, e The Laundromat Cafe (Elmegade 15), insieme bar-lavanderia-libreria dove gustare il brunch o leggere uno dei 4000 libri tascabili a disposizione, nell’attesa che finisca il bucato nel locale accanto.
(english version)
The Copenhagen Prelude Conference inaugurates the newly launched alliance between INDEX: and AIGA/Aspen Design Summit that will introduce a series of events between Aspen and Copenhagen in the coming years. All events will focus on Design to Improve Life for people around the world. During four sessions in two days, leading international design and innovation thinkers and doers from around the world will lecture on, debate and engage in conversations with the audience on four themes and sub themes within the realm of User Centred Design and Innovation and Design to Improve Life. The debates and recommendations of the conference will then be passed on to AIGAAspen Design Summit held in 2008. Over four days, the INDEX:Aiga Aspen Design Summit will refine the potential approaches for solutions, identify necessary action steps and stakeholders, and will charge INDEX: and AIGA to begin advocating the active engagement of those elements of society and business who can actually implement the solutions.
The Copenhagen Prelude Conference inaugurates the newly launched alliance between INDEX: and AIGA/Aspen Design Summit that will introduce a series of events between Aspen and Copenhagen in the coming years. All events will focus on Design to Improve Life for people around the world. During four sessions in two days, leading international design and innovation thinkers and doers from around the world will lecture on, debate and engage in conversations with the audience on four themes and sub themes within the realm of User Centred Design and Innovation and Design to Improve Life. The debates and recommendations of the conference will then be passed on to AIGAAspen Design Summit held in 2008. Over four days, the INDEX:Aiga Aspen Design Summit will refine the potential approaches for solutions, identify necessary action steps and stakeholders, and will charge INDEX: and AIGA to begin advocating the active engagement of those elements of society and business who can actually implement the solutions.
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